Since we started a little tour of all the places where you can buy furniture in Beijing, we have to include IKEA on this list since it is, believe it or not, the most famous place to buy furniture in Beijing and that it comes to mind to anyone talking about furniture in Beijing.
Expect no surprise, we are talking about IKEA , which means this is the exact same IKEA store that you can find all over the world.
This means that if you ever visited an IKEA store, you know what the IKEA store in Beijing is all about.
On the ground floor, you can fiund Textile, decoration, kitchen, bedroom, living room, children’s room …
In the second floor you have the exhibition rooms and in the first floor you can buy the items you selected, “market hall”.
Store opening hours:
Open daily: 9:30 – 23:00
The restaurant is the usual IKEA restaurant, located on the second floor, it is a little bit cheaper than in other countries.
You have quite a large choice of different, with seafood like scandinavian-style salmon or chinese food, because the restaurant has adapted itself to the expectations of the locals. If you have a longing for sweets, the selection is attractive.
Restaurant Opening time: 9:00-21:30
Still, there is a few specificities to the IKEA in Beijing, which are at the source of their success in China.
Chinese people you’ll see really enjoy the exhibitions rooms and play the game. They are advised to try the sofas and the beds, they actually try them.
Actually, it means that people are sleeping, discussing and having a break everywhere. This seems a bit odd at first sight, but is logical. When western-style furniture first arrived in China, the people had no idea what piece of furniture they should put in what room. Most of the furniture sellers failed to establish themselves properly in China for that reason. When IKEA landed in China, it showed the people how things were to be disposed, and it was a tremendous success. Chinese people came to see and try the furniture, and it has become a kind of traditional feature of IKEA shops in Beijing: people are everywhere installed in the exhibitions rooms, more strolling and sleeping than buying anything. The success of IKEA in China is thus simple to summarize: they introduced the culture of western furniture in China.
As in any IKEA around the world (and every furniture shop in China), you have a delivery service , if you want more information:
No.59 Futong Eastern Street ,
ChaoYang District , Beijing 100102
Be careful!!
How to go there?
Subway station : Taiyanggong exit B
Then, you have to take a taxi (about 10 minutes more). You can’t go walking over there!
Customer services:
Tel: 400 800 2345
Hotline working hour: 9:00am – 21:00pm