Longqingxia ice lantern festival

You have probably heard about Harbin Ice festival: there is a “little Harbin Ice Festival” in Longqingxia延庆龙, in the North of Beijing.
LongqingxiaIce Lantern Festival延庆龙庆峡冰灯 is happening every year from early January till after the end of the Chinese New Year holiday – end of February. For those staying in Beijing during the Chinese New Year holiday, visiting Longqingxia Ice Lantern Festival is a good choice.


The gorge is surrounded by wooded mountains. Longqing George is not only famous for the ice lantern festival but also cruse, caves and temples. You can also visit there during spring / summer time.

Each year, the ice lantern festival has a theme: In 2016, Beijing Winter Olympics 2022.

How to get there?

The festival is located in Longqing Gorge Scenic Area, 15km in the northeast of Yanqing County, about 80 km from Beijing city center. It takes about 2 hours by car from Beijing (without traffic). Many people will visit the festival during Chinese New Year (like we did): expect traffic jam and busy parking spots if you are also visiting the ice lantern festival during that time.

By bus:Take Bus 919 from Deshengmen Bus Terminal and get off at Yanqing County and change for Bus 920 for Longqing Gorge
By train:take S train to Yanqing County
By car: Drive along Badaling Expressway (Jingzang Expressway) and exit from Exit 62, pass by Yanqing County, then follow directions.

LQX 7Best time to visit:5:00pm to 10:00pm (the festival is open from9:00 am – 10:00 pm)
Entrance fee: 100 RMB / person (half price for students, free for kids under 1.2 m)
Parking fee: 20 RMB. The parking is too small and you will probably have to park on the side of the road. You will at least walk for 2 km to reach the entrance of the scenic area.

Where to stay? Where to eat?
If you are looking for options to stay overnight, you will find hotels and guest houses around.

You have plenty of Chinese restaurants on the way.


