Our Blog

Interview with Xianrong from FutureGenerations ...

Future Generations China (FGC) is a non-for-profit…

Beijing’s best expatriates resources

Beijing’s best expatriates resources? Online? Printed magazines? Wechat and other social media accounts? … You will find in this article […]

RoundAbout, a social enterprise in Beijing

RoundAbout is a social enterprise, founded by Lesl…

The project “Maison France Chine” creates oppor...

On October 23rd, the official opening ceremony of the “Maison France-Chine” took place in Beijing. Many officials were there, including […]

Urban farming in Beijing

Urban farming in Beijing? Considering the pollutio…

China new Draft of Charity Law

China new draft of Charity law has been shared lat…

INN Beijing: International Newcomer’s Net...

On Monday 31st August 2015,INN Beijing held its 2015 Welcome Event atCapital Club Athletic Center, Capital Mansion. This is one […]

Where to donate unwanted items in Beijing?

You may be familiar where to donate unwanted items…

How to find a job when you are an the spouse of...

If accepting a expatriate position is usually a positive move for your carrier, following your spouse may not always be […]

Pekin Accueil

Pekin Accueil is the biggest French speaking Association in the city of Beijing. It is non-lucrative association, affiliated to the […]

The FCGroup™: Your social networking platform i...

The FCGroup provides professional social networkin…